10 Buffy The Vampire Slayer And Angel Plots That Were Never Resolved
2. The Senior Partners
The Senior Partners of Wolfram & Hart are described as being evil beyond evil, with the ability to create and reign havoc in the extreme. However, they are almost never depicted on-screen. They have, throughout the passage of time, evolved from a point where they were, in Illyria's opinion, barely above the Vampire in the beginning, to becoming something of the dominant demonic force in existence by the early 21st century.
The only time the audience gets a glimpse of one is in the second season episode Reprise, when a Senior Partner comes to inspect the L.A. branch of Wolfram & Hart. The demon host is quickly, and somewhat easily, dispatched by Angel - though the scenes that follow are among the most grim in the entire Buffyverse, and that really is saying something.
By Angel's fifth season, the Senior Partners are described as playing such a long game that the various victories that Angel and other champions wage against them are all but meaningless. The defeat of the Circle of the Black Thorn, while a harsh blow to them, is hardly the doom that the good guys wish it to be.
The Senior Partners are often referred to in a manner that depicts them as the ultimate foe for all Champions and Slayers to come together and fight - if only the audience were ever given the chance to see that on film.