10 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters Killed Off At The Perfect Time

7. Kendra

Kendra Buffy the vampire slayer
Mutant Enemy Productions

Buffy The Vampire Slayer begins with the premise that only One Girl In All The World is chosen to be the Slayer, and serves in the role until their death.

However, Buffy's first temporary death at the end of season one results in a new Slayer being called. Unlike Buffy, who is said to have fallen through the cracks, Kendra was raised and trained as a potential Slayer from a young age. The two Slayers have different approaches to their job, and at first struggle to get along. Eventually, however, the pair make peace, both pleased to not be the only one.

Sadly, Buffy and Kendra's new friendship is not to last. During her second trip to Sunnydale, Kendra is killed after falling under the thrall of the insane vampire, Drusilla. Buffy is wrongfully blamed, forcing her to go on the run. Kendra's death both adds another reason towards Buffy's decision to run away at the end of season two, and paves the way for the introduction of the popular Dark Slayer, Faith, in season three.


Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.