10 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters Killed Off At The Perfect Time

3. Principal Flutie

Kendra Buffy the vampire slayer
Warner Bros.

The main plot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer begins when Buffy Summers arrives at her new school, Sunnydale High, having been forced to transfer after burning down the gym at her previous school because it became infested with vampires.

One of the first characters Buffy meets is Mr. Flutie, Sunnydale High’s well-meaning but rather bumbling Principal. Despite occasionally catching Buffy about to break a School rule, but provides no real barrier to her completing her duties as the Slayer, especially not once the School Library has provided her and the newly forming Scooby gang with a base of operations. Flutie may have provided a few giggles, but he otherwise offered little to the show.

Principal Flutie is eaten alive by the Hyena-possessed students in the episode The Pack. His death paves the way for the introduction of the strict, horrible, but much more interesting Principal Snyder. Snyder is both able to create more obstacles for Buffy, and act as a foil to Giles.


Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.