10 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters Killed Off At The Perfect Time

2. Allan Finch

Kendra Buffy the vampire slayer
Warner Bros.

Kendra's death in season two paves the way for another new Slayer, Faith, in season three. Faith is Kendra's opposite in almost every way. Where Kendra was strictly by the book, Faith was free spirited, fun loving, and rebellious. At first this rubs Buffy the wrong way, but as with Kendra, Buffy and Faith eventually bond over being Slayers.

However, where Buffy and Kendra bond over their shared responsibilities, Buffy and Faith connect over the power that being Slayers gives them, and the fun they can potentially have.

Buffy is at first drawn in to Faith's new, fun ideas of what life as a Slayer can be, until a night on the town ends in tragedy, leaving Buffy's illusions shattered. When he comes to seek help, Faith accidentally kills The Mayor's assistant, Allan Finch. Rather than owning up to the mistake, Faith wants to hide it, horrifying Buffy. Finch's death comes at just the right time to remind Buffy that life as a Slayer is not all fun and games. Her power comes with responsibility.


Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.