10 Characters The Walking Dead Killed Off At The Wrong Time

3. Denise

walking dead

Many fans often forget about just how important Denise was for the group despite only appearing in nine episodes of season six. In that time she began dating Tara, assists Morgan in caring for Owen in secret and also saves Carl's life during the No Way Out arc. In just over half a season Denise was able to impact the story in several different ways and was shaping up to be a key asset to the group moving forward.

Sadly for the medic she would be receiving the death originally given to Abraham in the comics. This just feels like a waste of a character who was just getting started. While Denise didn't have any loose ends left after being killed off, it's a shame that she couldn't have slowly been built up to be a mainstay of the show. For the show to stay fresh, new characters have to be introduced and not just killed off later for shock value, something the later seasons of the show seriously struggle with.

It's not like she would be useless in the rebellion against Negan either. Being a medic she likely would've caught the attention of Negan himself and perhaps could've eventually seen herself being held captive by the Saviours. Or perhaps she would save several characters lives through her work as Alexandria's medic.


Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.