10 Chilling Doctor Who Unsolved Mysteries

9. The Wookey Hole Curse

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor Max Headroom signal hijacking v2
BBC Studios

Across the last six decades, Doctor Who has been filmed in countless different locations across the UK. Quite often in and around a quarry or a steel mill.

It stands to reason then that the show has visited some peculiar places over the years, including the supposedly cursed Wookey Hole Caves.

This area in the English county of Somerset is most famous for these caves, which are a major tourist attraction and a Site of Special Scientific Interest. They're also said to be home to a witch, which might sound like superstitious hokum. But when the Fourth Doctor serial Revenge of the Cybermen was being filmed there, it felt very, very real indeed.

A number of strange things occurred during the shooting of this serial: director Michael E. Briant claims he saw a ghostly apparition late one night, believed to be a diver who had died in the caves four months prior; a crew member became very unwell while another suffered a panic attack; an entire scene went missing in the script; and Elisabeth Sladen was almost killed when a small motorboat she was driving malfunctioned and smashed into a cavern wall.

Was the curse real or was it just a string of bad luck? The insane amount of stories from the set would seem to indicate that something was plaguing the production.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.