10 Chilling Doctor Who Unsolved Mysteries

8. The Fate Of Madame Kovarian

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Doctor Who meddles with alternate timelines so much that it's no wonder these lead to unsolved mysteries from time to time.

The assassin-training, baby-kidnapping Madame Kovarian may have been killed in the Series 6 finale The Wedding of River Song, but what you might not have realised is that, due to this timeline being aborted by the end of the episode, Kovarian actually doesn't die at all.

Steven Moffat himself has said that she's still alive in the main timeline, which begs the question – where is she? And what kind of horrific scheme might she be plotting?

It's been over a decade since the character last appeared, but with Moffat now back in the Doctor Who fray, it's not inconceivable that we may revisit the Kovarian or Church of the Silence plotlines in the near future. After all, Season 1's Boom brought back the Anglican Marines, who worked for Kovarian in Series 6.

There's something unnerving about knowing that the person who went so far as to kidnap a baby is still lurking out there. Let's hope the Doctor keeps on his toes.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.