10 Chilling Doctor Who Unsolved Mysteries

7. Rogue's Spooky Set

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Half a century after the Wookey Hole incident, another Doctor Who episode also suffered some creepy goings-on.

Season 1's Rogue is set in Regency-era England and was filmed at a number of grand locations. According to Millie Gibson, "everyone" had a run-in with something otherwordly during the shoot, and there were reports of doors opening on their own. While nobody nearly died this time around, that's hardly what you want when you turn up for work.

What Gibson might not have been aware of is that one of the main locations used for Rogue – Margam Country Park in Wales – is said to be haunted. The ghost of a murdered gamekeeper wanders the grounds, while staff who work at Margam have heard running footsteps and giggling children late at night, when nobody else is around. Many of these happenings remain unexplained to this day.

Fittingly, Margam was also used for the Eleventh Doctor episode Hide, which is itself a ghost story. The show will no doubt visit there in the future as well, so there might be more paranormal experiences to come.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.