10 Classic Doctor Who Enemies Who Need To Return

4. The Rutans

Doctor Who

Here's an alien species that really deserves more attention and could definitely do with a modern update. The Rutans (or Rutan Host) only appeared in one televised story, 1977's The Horror of Fang Rock, but they're actually have an important place in the show's mythos. That's because they're the arch-enemies of the Sontarans, with the two species being locked in a centuries-long war.

It's actually kind of strange how the Sontarans have become one of the Doctor's most famous enemies (typically ranking third behind the Daleks and Cybermen), while their eternal enemies have been relegated to the most obscure corners of Doctor Who lore.

Given how the the potato soldiers have been a fairly regular appearance in New Who, it would shake things up to have the Rutans make a triumphant return. Because not only have they only made one appearance, but the two sworn enemies have never even appeared onscreen together. It would be such a treat to finally see the two races engaged in full-scale combat with one another, perhaps with the Doctor and friends trying to act as mediators.

What's more, in their sole classic appearance, the Rutans' design was... less than amazing. Resembling blobby green jellyfish, they had an interesting design that was unfortunately let down by the effects of the time. With modern effects they could really look like something special. Wouldn't it just be a sight to behold, to see a school of giant, glowing green jellyfish swarming platoons of Sontarans, tendrils lashing all about?

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Just a socially awkward geek from Down Under who spends most of his time in some fantasy world or another. Usually seen accompanied by a bow tie.