10 Classic TV Characters Who Weren't Added Until Later Seasons

3. Margaery Tyrell - Game Of Thrones

Desmond Lost

This season especially, Margaery Tyrell has really made Game of Thrones that much more fun. She's sassy as hell, and her scenes where she's pitted against Cersei are some of the best the show has produced in a long time.

Margaery is introduced in the show's second season as the wife of Renly Baratheon. Her relationship with him is clearly a political move and a chance for her to be queen, which she suddenly lost when Renly was assassinated by Melisandre's shadow baby. 

There's a great scene after Renly's death when Margaery is talking to Littlefinger about where she goes from here. "Do you want to be a queen," he asks her. "No," she responds. "I want to be the queen." 

The character is totally ruthless and manipulative, somehow managing to deal with Joffrey in order to become queen of Westeros. She's now married to Tommen, which is a whole lot better of a situation for her. The character is a great foil to Cersei, constantly trying to get under her skin like with her unbelievable diss earlier this season, "I wish we had some wine for you, it's a bit early in the day for us." 

The character is currently locked away after being found guilty of religious treason by the High Sparrow, but given how cunning Margaery is, we can't imagine she'll be in there for much longer.

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