10 Comic Characters You Totally Forgot Are Already In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

3. Tyr

Who? In Marvel lore, Tyr was once the Asgardian God of War, notably a son of Odin and, therefore, older brother to Thor. Over the years, he's gone from distancing himself from his home due to his resentment over Thor taking his place to setting his feelings aside to make peace, though currently resides in Hel in the wake of his death. In the MCU: Tyr appeared in Thor: The Dark World as the leader of the Einherjar, Asgard's group of elite warriors, and pops up throughout the film several times in the company of Odin. Why You Forgot: On the surface, Tyr is no different than any other random Asgardian within the film. Coupled with the fact that the film doesn't make any reference to Tyr being Odin's son or Thor's brother, likely to keep the Thor/Loki sibling dynamic simplified for the masses, it's more than easy to fail to recognize him.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!