10 Coolest Swords In Anime

3. Dragon Slayer (Berserk)

Dracule Mihawk
Studio GEMBA

A part of me is conflicted about counting this as a sword. Don't misunderstand, it IS technically a sword, it's a piece of metal with sharp edges that you wield at the hilt - that's a sword. But it's so big, so heavy, and so powerful when swung, you'll die by the blunt force trauma way before it starts slicing into you.

Dragon Slayer is a sword literally designed to take out not only warriors riding on horseback, but also the horse that warrior rode in on, as well as his three buddies riding behind him. It's so heavy that only someone like Guts is actually able to wield the damn thing. The only things that can survive a hit from this metal wind sail that Guts seems convinced is a sword are demons, and even they need a minute after a clean hit from it.

We've seen inconceivably big swords in anime before and since, but Dragon Slayer is the only one where the anime goes to great lengths to demonstrate how a sword like this would actually work in a real fight. Making the terrifying feats Guts pulls off with it all the more impressive.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?