10 Craziest Doctor Who Time Loops

4. Planet Of The Loops (Image Of The Fendahl)

Doctor Who Heaven Sent Peter Capaldi Twelfth Doctor

Unlike the prior entries on this list, the time loop in Image Of The Fendahl isn't just restricted to one small location - it's wrapped around an entire planet.

In this serial (another starring the Fourth Doctor), we learn that the Time Lords have placed Planet 5 - the Fendahl's homeworld - into a time loop, because they were concerned about the Fendahl's world-ending capabilities.

Though the Time Lords' actions are fairly understandable, the Doctor angrily describes the loop as "criminal", because it means that all memory of the planet has vanished, and all of its data made permanently invisible.

On a separate occasion, Gallifreyan tech was also used to place the Vardan homeworld into a time loop, as mentioned by the Fourth Doctor in The Invasion Of Time. With great power comes great responsibility, and as evidenced by their willy-nilly attitude to messing with random planets, the Time Lords clearly don't care too much for the "responsibility" bit.

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