10 Craziest Moments In The Walking Dead

7. Tick,Tick, Boom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQhO_6S74HE It goes without saying that TV shows are supposed to end with a bang, especially at the end of the season, but The Walking Dead literally finished season one with a bomb going off inside the CDC, ruining the group's plans of a happy ending. To be fair to Rick and the rest of the crew, heading to there seemed like a smart idea. If there was going to be a place where they could protect themselves from everything going on outside, it would probably be where scientists try to battle diseases and plagues. Everything seemed fine and dandy until Dr Jenner, the last remaining scientist at the facility, told them that the building would explode once the generators ran out of fuel to stop any deadly pathogens from escaping. While most of the group decided that they didn't want to get blown to smithereens, Jacqui and Andrea chose to go down with the ship, although Dale managed to persuade Andrea to leave with the rest of the group. The great thing about this episode in particular is the moment when Jenner tells Rick that everyone has the virus. It's a secret and a burden that Rick carries with him right up until the end of season two because he's not sure how the others in the group will react. Also, Dale and Andrea's relationship is significantly damaged after she claims that he took away her right to die on her own terms.

Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.