10 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy Doctor Who

10. There Are Very Few Scientific Explanations

Apart from a brief period towards the end of Tom Baker€™s run where it leaned towards it, Doctor Who has never been anywhere close to hard sci-fi. If you take the general idea of sci-fi as being scientific explanations applied to fictional concepts with attention paid to detail of how the fictional universe would work, then Doctor Who is closer to science-fantasy than science-fiction. Some things do get slight explanations like how the Tardis is bigger on the inside but a lot of the time there is no scientific detail given. We might get a few techno-babble explanations rattled off at top speed that are complete gibberish, or a vaguely cool sounding name like €œNuclear Storm Drive€ but most of the time the approach is €œHere€™s a good concept. Never mind how it works.€ This approach is best summed up by a scene in the 2010 Christmas Special where a flying fish bites the Doctor when he tries to come up with a science-y explanation for how they can fly and how sound affects the atmosphere of their planet. So when you watch Doctor Who, it€™s best to just take all the science stuff on the chin. The really important stuff (especially when it comes to time travel) will get some consideration but usually you€™ll just be left to take all the bizarre stuff that Doctor Who throws at you as it comes.


JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.