10 Crazy Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Theories

4. Ed Speleers = Picard's Son (Is He Attached?)

Rene Picard 2 Fire Ed Speleers Star Trek Season 3 Theory

This one had to come up at some point. People have been speculating about a Picard-Crusher child ever since Wesley somehow suspiciously made it to acting ensign aboard the flagship. There's your original nepo baby, people!

There is one particular version of this theory that has been doing the rounds since trailer three, and it would explain why Beverly left The Next Generation for the whole of season two. It was so she could put Picard's unborn child up for adoption.

We put the complex calculations through the bio-neural gel packs (i.e., the late night TrekCulture WhatsApp group chat) and figured that any love-child of Picard and Beverly's conceived during the run of TNG would have to be now at least in their 40s. Mr Speleers is mid-30s (although he looks a lot younger. Maybe Dr Giger's cellular regeneration and entertainment chamber was a success, after all?) so this could work at a push.

There is one massive flaw in this theory, however. Why didn't Picard discover this secret when he and Beverley were linked at the brain in the TNG season seven episode Attached? Perhaps they didn't share every last thought during the experience? Sometimes what happens on Risa really does stay on Risa.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.