10 Crazy Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Theories

3. Frontier Day

Rene Picard 2 Fire Ed Speleers Star Trek Season 3 Theory
Paramount Pictures

What day is season three set to air? Oh, it's a Thursday, not a Tuesday. There goes part of that theory. Let's move on…

"Admiral on the bridge." *pointed coughing* "And Captain on the bridge."

This entry is less of a theory and more an attempt to tick something off our bucket list here at TrekCulture. The third and final trailer for season three of Star Trek: Picard "officially" begins with a boatswain's whistle signalling the arrival of Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and Captain William T. Riker to the bridge of the USS Titan-A. The former colleagues are accompanied by Commander Seven of Nine.

As the Captain of the Titan-A (now finally confirmed to be played by Todd Stashwick) states, both Picard and Riker are aboard to perform an "inspection". No blowing things up, no fire-fights, and no crashlandings! Oh, the good ol' days!

What does this little ship tour remind you of, though? Could it be a reference to the opening of the first Next Generation movie, Star Trek: Generations, with Picard in the role of Captain Kirk visiting the shiny new Titan/Enterprise-B before everything goes awry? We think so. All that's missing are those Federation news cameras. ("Turn that damn thing off!") That probably makes Riker Scotty's counterpart in this scenario, and Seven is…Chekov?! We know that Terry Matalas is also a big fan of The Original Series era movies so this neat tie-in from TOS to TNG to Picard would make a lot of sense.

All that remains is a shot of a champagne bottle breaking across the hull of the Titan (although can we stop wasting good wine, please!) A great way to celebrate what many believe to be Frontier Day. Until of course, something inevitably goes wrong. When's the Nexus next due?

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.