10 Criminally Underappreciated Classic Cartoons

7. Pac-Man (1982)

In the world of cartoons, there might not be a genre that's more feared than the video game adaption, and rightfully so. If you've ever had the misfortune of suffering through an episode of "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!" that for some reason had live action segments with Captain Lou Albano as Mario, then you know what I'm talking about. Also, you have my condolences.

It's a shame that these kinds of shows have such a bad track record too, because there really are some surprising capable video game themed cartoons that don't get their due, Pac-Man being one of them.

The eighties adaption of the arcade character turned Pac-Man into a family man with a wife, child, and some pets. They lived out in Pac-Land, and of course were hounded by the ghosts, who oftentimes took on something of a Three Stooges sort of vibe in their pursuits.

The whole show probably sounds like a lot to pull out of a game about a pizza-shaped yellow circle eating dots, and that's because it was. That's part of what made it so good. For a franchise as iconic and simple as Pac-Man, this show was able to give some life to one of gaming's most easily recognizable characters. It made Pac-Man into something more than an avatar on the screen. It made him a real, fully-developed character.


Brett Grega is a freelance writer, and avid NBA fan. Follow him at @wrestlegrognard or email him at brettg26101@gmail.com.