10 Criminally Underrated Doctor Who Stories

10. Tooth And Claw

Doctor Who Tooth And Claw

This early 10th Doctor story was very well-regarded when it first aired, but nowadays it’s sadly seldom talked about. It’s a lupine lark that cements David Tennant in the role by giving him an action-packed chase through a gothic house stalked by a ferocious werewolf – an entirely CGI creation which holds up surprisingly well despite being a little long in the tooth.

Perhaps the most memorable aspect of this story is that it’s the only time Tennant uses his natural Scottish accent in the show, making for some amusing scenes as he spars with Queen Victoria. More importantly, this episode also sets up the Torchwood Institute, which plays a key role in the Series 2 finale and of course formed the foundation of the Torchwood spin-off.

Accompanied by a fantastic musical score, this gripping episode is superbly made, with taut editing and inventive cinematography. It may not be the most complex story, but it deserves to be remembered for its slick action and haunting atmosphere. Give it a watch next time there’s a full moon. It’s hair-raisingly good.

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Patch is a pop culture enthusiast and purveyor of puns. He writes about media in a vague attempt to justify the alarming amount of time he spends consuming it. Nobody's convinced... but nobody's told him that yet. He spends his spare time working on Portal 2: Desolation, an ambitious fan-made sequel to Valve's beloved puzzle games.