10 Dark Doctor Who Moments You Weren't Allowed To See

1. Davros’ Dark Backstory (Journey’s End)

Doctor Who The Waters of Mars
BBC Studios

When the Master returned in 2007 he came with a brand-new backstory, conveyed in a tantalising flashback. And a similar thing very nearly happened when Davros returned the following year.

Series 4 finale Journey’s End originally featured a flashback to the Kaled-Thal war, depicting Davros before his life-changing accident.

Described in this iteration as a gaunt man in a medic’s coat, Davros would've been shown experimenting on wounded soldiers, with one “thrashing in agony” as he’s injected with a syringe.

We’d then have witnessed the explosion that changed his life forever, as described in the script:

"Davros, his head now bald, red, peeling; holding both hands over his face, so he can’t be seen. He’s screaming."

This scene was cut early on due to budget constraints, but even if it hadn't been, there's no telling whether a bloody wartime flashback featuring wounded soldiers and Davros' skin peeling off would've made it past the edit!

That said, with Julian Bleach now playing a pre-accident version of the character on TV, RTD could feasibly bring this scene to life in his new era.

The entire concept of Dot and Bubble was one he envisioned in 2010, so he's not opposed to revisiting old ideas!

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