10 Darkest Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments

6. Warren Kills Katrina (Season 6, Episode 13)

Xander Loses Eye Buffy
Mutant Enemy

The Big Bad in Season 6 is rather ambiguous. The ‘final boss’ is Dark Willow, yet for most of the season, the Trio (Warren, Andrew, and Jonathan) are the Scooby Gang’s main adversary.

Compared with the Big Bad in Season 5 (Glory), the three of them are rather lame at first. But in Dead Things, their story becomes much more intriguing. Using a device called a Cerebral Dampener, Warren manipulates the mind of his ex-girlfriend. He then lures Katrina to the Trio’s hideout with the intention of sexually abusing her.

But when the effects of the Cerebral Dampener wear off, Katrina scolds her captives before attempting to escape. Warren stops her by whacking her across the head with a bottle. When Katrina doesn’t get up again, Warren soon realises what’s he done, and he quickly loads the blame onto his two partners as well.

This scene is the first time the Trio’s story really gets interesting. The consequences of Warren’s actions create a chilling atmosphere which is completely averse to the comedic tone which normally surrounds the Trio.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.