10 Darkest Rick And Morty Moments
7. Morty Is Almost Assaulted

After a haunting adventure in which Morty is forced to kill the demonic clones of his own family and watch them melt in front of him, he wants to quit. The adventures with Rick have become too traumatising, and it's hard not to agree with him.
Instead of quitting, Rick offers Morty the chance to lead the next adventure, to see how easy it is for a fun filled, safe time in space. They bet on how good it will be, giving Morty every reason to see it through, with Rick fully expecting it to be terrible and for them to give up halfway through.
When the adventure isn't quite going to plan, the two stumble upon a whimsical, fantasy-esque tavern, with crazy characters and a lot of potential. One such character Morty meets is Mr. Jellybean, a seemingly friendly creature in the bar's bathroom.
After telling Morty to just let his adventure happen and go with the flow, Mr. Jellybean takes it too far and tries to sexually assault him, all while Rick is busy rocking out to Lynyrd Skynyrd in the bar. Fortunately, Morty manages to fight his way free before Rick ultimately kills his attacker, but this was an incredibly dark and disturbing turn for both the titular characters, and the audience watching.