10 DC Universe Fates Worse Than Death

3. Being The Batman Who Laughs

Batman Who Laughs Robins
DC Comics

Frankly I could have filled this list to the brim with the various fates of the DC heroes and heroines throughout the DC Dark Multiverse, but I wanted to keep things fresh, so I just chose the worst among them, and shock of all shocks, it was The Batman Who Laughs.

Although he certainly seems pleased with how his life has turned out, I doubt very highly that the man he used to be would agree with him there. See, The Batman Who Laughs used to be your regular old Batman, not that many differences between him and our Batman, right up until The Joker goes way the hell over the line. To the point where Batman has to break the clown prince of crime's neck to put him down for good.

However, The Joker planned for this, hell that's why he did anything preceding that moment to begin with. He hid away a vial of Joker Toxin that was set to go off with the breaking of his neck. So when he dies, a bit of him shoots off into Batman, slowly turning him into a horrific hellish mixture of the two's personalities.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?