10 DC Universe Fates Worse Than Death
2. Immortal And Dismembered
Oh me oh my would you look at the time! It's time to be traumatized by Sandman again! Yaaaay...
Sandman has many unfortunate fates for many of its one off and even recurring characters, but for whatever reason, Neil Gaiman reserved a particularly cruel fate for poor poor Orpheus.
Due to many shenanigans I don't wish to spoil because it's Sandman and you need to read it right now, Orpheus is reduced to just a bunch of dismembered parts sitting on a shelf somewhere. What's the issue here, besides - ya know - the obvious? Well Orpheus is immortal, so not only did he feel every dismemberment, he remained alive afterward to talk about it with people.
Now granted, when we meet him post-dismemberment, he seems in relatively good spirits about the whole thing, but how used to it he is doesn't really negate how awful a fate this is for anyone, let alone an immortal being of Greek myth.
How's he supposed to find another muse somewhere NOW, Neil? Rude!