10 DC Villains To Watch Out For In 2019 On Film & TV

3. Harley Quinn - Gotham

Gotham Harley Quinn Gordon

Although the character spotted at the end of Gotham's Season 4 finale wasn't technically Harley Quinn, the jester design (which honestly is the character's best live action look) was an unmistakable hint towards the character. Subsequent interviews with the show's cast and crew have since confirmed that Harley Quinn (or, at least a version of Harley Quinn), will feature in Season 5, played by Francesca Root-Dodson.

Showrunner John Stephens has confirmed that Gotham's-not-Joker will have "a somewhat deranged girlfriend who dresses in a multi-colored fashion" in the new season, and though Gotham can't explicitly call Harley her actual name, make no mistake, the character will be appearing in the series in some way.

Root-Dodson will be reprising her role from Season 4, but her character looks set to be taking on more of Quinn's characteristics next year, with the actress herself having teased as much on her own Instagram the other week:

So yes, while Root-Dodson won't get to call her character Harley, it's about as close as Quinn has gotten to a live action TV appearance since 2002's Birds of Prey, which saw Mia Sara take on the role as a recurring villain.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.