10 Disturbing Documentary TV Series That Will Haunt You Forever

1. Leaving Neverland

House Of Hammer

Though never convicted, pop star Michael Jackson was dogged with accusations of child sex abuse throughout his life. Two cases of child sex abuse went to trial, but nothing ever came of them. Even after his death in 2009, Jackson continued to be the subject of rumours and ridicule about the accusations.

However, as this documentary shows, there is nothing funny about what he supposedly did.

A co-production between HBO and the UK's Channel 4, Leaving Neverland pulls no punches and lets Jackson's alleged victims - Wade Robson and James Safechuck - speak openly and freely about their experiences with the star.

What this leads to is a haunting two-part series, detailing the inappropriate behaviour Robson and Safechuck were subjected to at Jackson's hands and how he would attempt to normalise it in their minds.

A horrifying example of how corruptive child stardom is, how fame and wealth can make even the most heinous crimes disappear, and how children should never ever have to face anything like this, Leaving Neverland is a brutal watch, especially if you are or ever have been a Jackson fan.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.