10 Disturbing Documentary TV Series That Will Haunt You Forever

2. The Devil Next Door

House Of Hammer

To the untrained eye, John Demjanjuk seems like a normal man. A retired autoworker living in Cleveland, John had a wife and three children, and seemed to be an average guy. That was, until he was identified by survivors of the Holocaust as a former concentration camp guard.

Demjanjuk, who's real first name was Ivan, was actually born in Ukraine and was taken prisoner by the Nazis in 1942. After serving at numerous camps throughout the war, he, his wife, and child fled to the US, where he lay in hiding until his citizenship was revoked in 1981.

2019's The Devil Next Door is a five-part series that details Demjanjuk's legal case in Israel in the mid-80s. It describes his actions during the war, how he managed to evade the law for so long, and what happened to him after he was finally brought to justice.

World War II and The Holocaust are still highly sensitive subjects and quite rightly so. To think that anybody involved in such atrocities is still out there, let alone living in your neighbourhood, is a truly chilling thought and that's what makes this documentary impossible to look away from.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.