10 Disturbing Documentary TV Series That Will Haunt You Forever

7. Don’t F*** With Cats: Hunting An Internet Killer

House Of Hammer

The documentary with the best title on this list by far is 2019's true crime series Don't F*** With Cats. Try and guess what the "F" stands for...

The film begins with a group of amateur detectives trying to hunt down a man in a viral video via a Facebook group. Said video shows said man viciously killing two kittens, prompting outrage from the animal loving sleuths.

What starts as a question for feline justice soon spirals out of control, as the man behind the video, Luke Magnotta, is revealed to have even more sinister plans.

As it becomes clear that Magnotta is not of sound mind and as the kitten videos begin to pile up, the online detectives scramble to try and find him before he takes things to the next level. Unfortunately, they're too late.

Without giving too much else away, Don't F*** with Cats gets even worse as soon as the cats are removed from the equation. The three-part series is jammed packed with twists and turns and is a stark warning against the dangers of seeking fame, as well as a shocking of display of how one evil act can snowball into another.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.