10 Doctor Who Characters That Should Return

In a show about time travel, surely it's possible to bring characters back from the past?

Eighth Doctor

As of 23 November 2020, Doctor Who is now 57 years old. In all of those years, many characters have come and gone. Some good. Some not so good. As for the very best in the show's long history, it's kind of hard not to have that niggling feeling. You know the one I mean. Were you basically pine to see a certain character return to our screens.

Whether it be because they're simply your favourite. Maybe you'd like to see how this character would interact with a different Doctor. Sometimes it's the case that we just haven't seen them in a bloody long time, and a return seems appropriate. In some cases, a character needs to make a comeback because they're story was never really resolved, or more could be done with that character if they were given the case to rematerialize on screen.

In many ways, it's me being a whiny Whovian demanding for nostalgia. But at the same time it's nice to have a blast from the past, especially if it means progressing the ongoing narrative. Plus, a bit of fan service is a good thing from time to time. Not too much. Just enough to get us excited, before moving on with the current plotline. However, considering that Captain Jack Harkness has recently been announced to return for the festive special, Revolution of the Daleks, it seems to be me that anything is possible. Also, I can dream can't I?

10. Susan Foreman

Eighth Doctor
BBC Studios

I know. This one is an obvious choice, given her importance to The Doctor's character. Susan is The Doctor's granddaughter at the end of the day, and was his original companion all the way back at the very beginning. More than that, she was essentially the lure into the mysteries world of her grandfather, being this strange, alien-like being that peaked Ian and Barbara's interests, which inevitably began their adventurous journey aboard the TARDIS.

At the end of the day, she hasn't been a recurring companion since The Dalek Invasion of Earth, where The Doctor decided to leave her behind to find a new life for herself. Her last on screen appearance was during The Five Doctors. That's a long time ago!

Naturally, Big Finish have delved into her character, and explored what happened after she was left behind. Though, if you've listened to To the Death, you'll know it didn't with her being on particularly good terms with The Doctor, which is something worth exploring in the future. I haven't listened to Susan's War as of yet, but it is interesting knowing she became involved within the Time War, so of course, you want to explore how this changed her further, and how much more damage was put on her relationship with her grandfather.

Furthermore, in context with the current storyline, it'd certainly be fascinating seeing how Susan's character is explored. Was she even aware of The Doctor being the Timeless Child? Chances are she was just as much in the dark as was her grandfather (and everyone else for that matter), so it'd probably come as a shock to her to discover that Time Lord society all revolved around The Doctor. Would this change her dynamic with her grandfather?

Heck, is she even The Doctor's granddaughter? I mean, their dialogue in An Unearthly Child seems to indicate they were running away from the Time Lords for a reason, so was it simply because The Doctor stole a TARDIS? Could there be more to the mystery that could neatly be explored nearly sixty years after the show's very beginning?

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.