10 Doctor Who Characters That Should Return

9. Ohila

Eighth Doctor
BBC Studios

Perhaps an odd choice to some, but I feel Ohila's character warrants a return, considering her importance to The Doctor's character. Her first appearance back in 2013 saw her present for the Eighth Doctor's regeneration. Ohila was the one who finally pushed the Time Lord over the edge, forcing him to finally step properly into the Time War, despite his best efforts to stay out of it, and remain a healer.

Ohila made a couple of returns in Series 9, and was present for one of The Doctor's lowest moments. The events of Hell Bent caused the Time Lord to spiral out of control, becoming the infamous Hybrid, all for his desperate attempts to save Clara from death. There also seemed to be a history between them, beyond what we'd seen, and it would've been nice to see that explored further.

Like a lot of things from Hell Bent, they were completely brushed aside come Series 10. Sure, not all of the ideas in that final were handled well, but in terms of Gallifrey's return, and the Sisterhood of Karn, these are elements that shouldn't have been left abandoned. Now that Gallifrey has been destroyed by The Master, I feel we've lost a lot of potential storytelling, so we need to see what became of Ohila, and how she could become a part of the ongoing narrative, alongside the Sisterhood of Karn, given their strange relationship with the Time Lords.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.