10 Doctor Who Characters Who Would Make A Great Prime Minister

2. Sarah Jane Smith

To date the UK has only had one female Prime Minister - Margaret Thatcher, who inspired fanaticism in some and bile in others (and the Doctor passed his own judgment when he encountered her in stage musical The Ultimate Adventure). The field is clear for a woman who everyone, from striking miner to swan-eating peer, can relate to and take to their hearts. Who else could it be? Sarah Jane Smith, of course! Debatably the best loved of the Doctor's companions, she has displayed Great British pluck in the face of threat after threat, from Androids to Zygons. Her enquiring mind, sharpened like a stainless steel machete from her years as a crusading journalist, would make her dynamite during the leaders' debates. And she cares about animals. Just look at the way she put up with K-9 all those decades. Plus he's a robot dog, so her policies on the tech sector are spectacularly well informed. She'd make the best choice when it comes to alien invasion. When the government inevitably calls on Earth's favourite Time Lord, he'll need someone with whom he shares an effortless rapport and largely unspoken shorthand. Other long term assistants wouldn't pass muster. Tegan Jovanka, too argumentative. Clara Oswald, temperamental. Leela... well, she'd have slaughtered half the Cabinet by lunchtime. "Miss Smith" is the nation's definitive human candidate. Of course the number one spot is taken by someone who is far more than human...
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I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.