10 Doctor Who Characters You Completely Changed Your Mind About

4. Mickey Smith

The Doctor's most beloved companion, Sarah Jane, once affirmed that the TARDIS should always have a Smith on board but unfortunately this one didn't quite make the cut. At least, not at first. Introduced as Rose Tyler's long suffering other half when the show returned to our screens back in 2005, Mickey 'the idiot' Smith spent the entirety of the first series trying to affirm his masculinity which was easier said than done when the person he was trying to affirm it to was off galavanting through time and space with a 900 year old alien. He remained at Rose's constant beck and call until he finally grew a pair of balls in Series 2 and he was even accused of her murder following her initial appearance. Seriously, Mickey. Get a grip. That he did in 2006's Cybermen two-parter when he opted to stay in the parallel universe to defend the realm against its ensuing Cyber threat, but then he came back again in Series 4 (make your mind up, would you?!) and abandoned the confines of alien organisations to fight the good fight against his new wife (who just so happened to be Martha Jones, by the way - now when the hell did that happen?) as a freelance Earth defender. Still, he proved that he was far more than just a tin dog in the end, and the Doctor was wrong to ever write him off as such. It's exactly what he needed in the end, though, and the Doctor would probably claim that Mickey's transformation was part of his plan all along. Typical.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.