10 Doctor Who Characters You Completely Changed Your Mind About

3. Rose Tyler

Rose Tyler was deservedly hailed as the greatest Doctor Who companion ever when she bid the TARDIS farewell at the end of Series 2 (nope... still not over it!) and she would probably still be holding onto that prestigious accolade if she could just stop coming back for 5 minutes. Yep, the prestigious title of being a "national treasure" obviously went to Billie Piper's head when she vowed to never return to the series again before coming back just over a year later. And then she came back again, and again, and then once more for the 50th anniversary special in 2013. Not too shabby for a character who's supposed to be trapped in a parallel universe forevermore. She hasn't always been the present day Rose, of course (in fact, only one of her comebacks has actually been a continuation of her character's narrative), but the emotional impact of her initial departure in Doomsday - previously cited as one of the most iconic scenes in Doctor Who history - has been long since destroyed thanks to her repeated reappearances. That's what most of Rose's haters are annoyed about. It's the fact that her perfect ending was ruined by her subsequent return... and then the one after that... and the one after that... In retrospect, perhaps the Tenth Doctor should've just been blatantly honest when Rose asked him if she'd ever see him again during their final - *ahem* - farewell on the shores of Bad Wolf Bay. "Yes, actually. You'll be back in Series 4, and then again in my final story, and you're free in November 2013, aren't you? Just in case you're seemingly the only actress who is available to represent half a century of Doctor Who companions..." See, Doctor. You could've saved her - and us - a whole lot of heartache.
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.