10 Doctor Who Characters You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths

9. Slitheen Skinsuits

Doctor Who The Power of the Doctor David Tennant Fourteenth Doctor
BBC Studios

The Slitheen are generally thought of as funny farting aliens, and to be fair, that’s not an entirely inaccurate description.

Regardless of your thoughts on their depiction in Aliens of London and World War Three, after Boom Town the rest of their TV appearances were in the more child-friendly Sarah Jane Adventures on CBBC.

But underneath the flatulence and silly-looking faces, there's a darker element of the Slitheen that usually goes overlooked – every single skinsuit they wear was originally a person, and that means all of these people died horrible, brutal deaths, and potentially had their insides removed and skin peeled away while they were still conscious.

As far as Doctor Who deaths go, having all your stuffing pulled out so your skin can be used as a disguise is one of the more conceptually horrible. And the cherry on top is that these people’s families don’t even know! Not only are you murdered, but your loved ones get to keep interacting with the very thing that killed you, blissfully unaware that your remains have been reduced to a high-tech Halloween costume.

And they say this show is for kids.

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Doctor Who
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Alix Cochrane hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would probably end up sitting in a notes file for months, gathering dust and never actually being uploaded.