10 Doctor Who Cliffhangers That Made You Say WHAT?!

4. Bad Wolf (Turn Left)

Doctor Who cliffhangers
BBC Studios

Turn Left was a brilliant ‘what if’ episode. It was a powerful insight into just how many times the Doctor has saved the world, but also just how many people he’s influenced to follow in his footsteps.

But, of course, the most significant element of this episode was the return of Rose Tyler.

We had already seen glimpses of Rose throughout Series 4, but this appearance was far more prominent, and laid the groundwork for the upcoming two-part series finale. While there was still an air of mystery surrounding Rose’s identity, and even less explanation as to how she was travelling between her parallel world and Donna’s, it was clear towards the end of Turn Left that her only goal was to warn the Doctor of the impending darkness.

What was so thrilling about this episode's cliffhanger was how personal it felt. Rather than simply explaining to Donna exactly what was about to happen, Rose gave her a message for the Doctor which not only warned him of the future destruction, but also had a personal meaning that instantly gave him hope of seeing her again.

Seeing the words "Bad Wolf" appearing literally everywhere created such a buzz for the following episode, and also had everyone excited by the prospect of finally seeing the Doctor and Rose reunited!

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Doctor Who
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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️