10 Doctor Who Cliffhangers That Made You Say WHAT?!

3. River's Identity (A Good Man Goes To War)

Doctor Who cliffhangers
BBC Studios

The identity of River Song had been a long-standing mystery ever since her first appearance in Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. While many people, including Amy Pond, had accurately guessed that she would become the Doctor’s wife, there was another layer to the character that many people didn’t see coming.

In hindsight, this reveal was somewhat obvious, but it was executed so well that it still felt like an unexpected twist in the moment. River Song is Melody Pond. Melody Pond is Amy and Rory’s daughter. Mind. Blown.

The range of reactions – from the Doctor’s flustered excitement, to Amy and Rory’s absolute disbelief – summed up the varied reactions from the audience too. While it was wonderful to finally know who River Song truly was, this bombshell actually left us with even more questions than we started with.

How is River older than her parents? What happened to her once she was taken from Demons Run? Why didn’t she say anything sooner? How does Steven Moffat’s brain work?!

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Doctor Who
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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️