10 Doctor Who Couples That Created Unrealistic Expectations About Relationships

6. Elton Pope And Ursula Blake

If these guys are still haunting your every waking moment, rest assured that you're definitely not the only one. Fans can take comfort in the fact, however, that they appeared in a story which is generally believed to be the worst in Doctor Who history, so at least it's not one you feel the urge to ever sit through again. Unless, that is, like Elton Pope, you're harbouring some sort of weird concrete fetish, of course, in which case it's probably your favourite episode ever. No one's here to judge. Because, when all is said and done, there really was no need for what happened in Love & Monsters, was there? The whole episode in general was just absurd, really, but it says an awful lot when the image of Peter Kay running around Cardiff in a mohawk and a giant nappy is one of the more sensical occurrences. In any other episode, Jackie Tyler waving her dirty knickers in the air would've seemed completely out of place, but in this one... Nope. Pretty much anything goes. And then Russell T Davies had to go and top it all off by killing Ursula Blake before bringing her back 5 minutes later so that she could live her happily ever after with her one true love, Elton. But, hang on. Has it escaped everybody else's attention that she's now just a head sticking out of a concrete slab?! And the final scene, in which he held her up proudly in front of the camera before proclaiming that they've "even got a bit of a love life", was just the icing on top of the world's creepiest cake. So, don't worry if you never find your soulmate, kids. You can always just put a pair of glasses on a concrete slab and make do - and, apparently, make out - with that instead. But what would happen if you were to accidentally drop it and it subsequently shattered into pieces? See. It just makes no sense. Everybody loves a love story, but this one was taking it a bit too far.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.