10 Doctor Who Details You Definitely Missed The First Time

3. Blackout Daleks (Victory Of The Daleks)

Doctor Who Victory of the Daleks
BBC Studios

In Series 4's epic two-part finale, the Tenth Doctor and his mates killed off those pesky Daleks once and for all!

Until they returned in the very next series.

Just three episodes into the Eleventh Doctor's tenure, the murderous pepper pots made their comeback by fighting for the British during World War II, because putting them with the Nazis would've been far too obvious.

Renamed Ironsides, the Daleks are presented as Churchill's secret weapon against the German menace, and the key to ending the war once and for all. Their design is stunning, as the iconic villains got a new coat of military green paint, but what we're most interested in is this incredible bit of detail revolving around their dome lights: they've been covered up when the Daleks are outside.

Obviously, in Blitz-era Britain, there were strict rules about how much light could be given off, and blackouts were frequent. So it makes sense for the Ironsides to not glow in the dark whenever the lights went down!

Bravo to the designer who added this touch. Attention to detail at its finest.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.