10 Doctor Who Episodes That Should Have Been Two-Parters

5. The Wedding Of River Song

Doctor Who Nightmare In Silver

The Wedding of River Song is an absolute mess of a finale. It's crammed with way too many concepts and characters, making it feel rushed and bloated. After the admittedly very entertaining opening sequence where all of history is happening at once, giving us such delights as Charles Dickens being interviewed on the news and Winston Churchill as the Holy Roman Emperor, the episode sadly devolves into a meandering story that doesn't seem to know what it wants to be.

There are just too many loose ends to wrap up: the Silence, River Song, Madame Kovarian, The Doctor's Death at lake Silencio, Amy and Rory's trauma over the loss of their baby Melody... with all these hugely important plot threads needing to be resolved, it's no surprise the episode buckles under the weight of its own ambition. The sweeping story arc of Series 6 really deserved a two-part finale to properly wrap things up, to give both the viewers and the characters enough time to process and reflect on all the twists and turns.

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Patch is a pop culture enthusiast and purveyor of puns. He writes about media in a vague attempt to justify the alarming amount of time he spends consuming it. Nobody's convinced... but nobody's told him that yet. He spends his spare time working on Portal 2: Desolation, an ambitious fan-made sequel to Valve's beloved puzzle games.