10 Doctor Who Fan Theories That Make Too Much Sense To Ignore

7. Series 7A Takes Place In A Different Order For The Doctor

Doctor Who Twelfth Doctor regeneration
BBC Studios

“I'm not running away from things,” the Eleventh Doctor tells Amy in The Power of Three. “I'm running to them before they flare and fade forever.”

“One day, soon maybe, you'll stop,” he continues. “I've known for a while.”

In context, this conversation makes perfect sense. The Power of Three is the Ponds’ penultimate adventure, and over the course of the last three stories, we’ve seen them become increasingly independent from the Doctor, to the point where they’re now only travelling with him part-time.

But what if the Doctor knew more than he was letting on here? What if, from his perspective, he’d already parted ways with the Ponds?

One theory suggests that this is exactly the case, with the whole of Series 7A taking place in a different order for the Doctor.

The order of episodes one to four is disputed, but the key thing is that The Angels Take Manhattan occurs first, with a distraught Doctor travelling back in time, River Song style, to enjoy further adventures with his best friends while they're still alive.

It’s a bold theory, and one that, if true, gives that line, “I’ve known for a while”, a whole new meaning.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!