10 Doctor Who Flops The BBC Has Buried

5. The Infinite Quest And Dreamland

Doctor Who The Infinite Quest Tenth Doctor Martha Jones

Doctor Who hit its stride in the animated realm when it started reconstructing missing episodes for a whole new generation to enjoy, but it wasn't too long ago that the BBC churned out a pair of awful cartoons that are best left forgotten.

Released in 2007 and 2009 respectively, The Infinite Quest and Dreamland star David Tennant's Tenth Doctor on a pair of standalone adventures, separate from the storylines of the main show. Though the basic idea had promise and Tennant acquits himself admirably, these animated escapades received heavy criticism for their lacklustre execution - mainly down to their stiff, janky, and painfully low-budget visuals, which makes them almost unbearable to sit through.

At a time when Doctor Who was firing on all cylinders under showrunner Russell T Davies and leading man Tennant, The Infinite Quest and Dreamland were comparative misfires that failed to satisfy from a quality perspective, and also couldn't generate the level of buzz you'd expect from an official, Tenth Doctor-led spinoff.

It's telling that the BBC hasn't really tried anything like this since, and you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone who looks back on these outings with a great deal of fondness.

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