10 Doctor Who Flops The BBC Has Buried

4. Doctor Who: Return To Earth

Doctor Who The Infinite Quest Tenth Doctor Martha Jones
Asylum Entertainment

A Doctor Who game on the Nintendo Wii sounds like a great idea on paper, allowing players to wave around the Wii Remote like a sonic screwdriver. And though we actually did get a Doctor Who game on the Wii back in 2010, the world would've been a better place if it never saw the light of day.

Doctor Who: Return To Earth features Matt Smith and Karen Gillan as the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond, telling an original story revolving around the Daleks, the Cybermen, and a dangerous device called the Time Axis.

The potential was high, and with a reported £10 million contract in play, the devs at Asylum Entertainment had more than enough money to realize the game's ambition.

Unfortunately though, that's not how it went.

With unimpressive sales figures and 1/10 review scores galore, Return To Earth might be one of the worst games in the entire Wii library, and companion title Evacuation Earth - which released on the Nintendo DS - didn't fare much better.

With the BBC reportedly eager to make games for the Wii's large family audience, it tells you all you need to know about how embarrassing Return To Earth was for them that it was Doctor Who's last outing on the beloved Nintendo system.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.