10 Doctor Who Guest Stars Who Got Themselves Noticed

4. Karen Gillan (The Fires Of Pompeii)

doctor who andrew garfield
BBC Studios

Whilst Karen Gillan obviously went on to star as everyone’s favourite ginger, Amy Pond, it’s her guest role in series 4’s Fires of Pompeii that grants her a spot on this list.

Gillan played a nameless soothsayer in the episode, who stalked the Doctor and Donna’s movements through what they thought at the time was Ancient Rome. Her side character in this episode does very little and is a tad insignificant - but Gillan’s career is anything but...

Whilst she is almost unrecognisable in heavy prosthetics and with a shaved head, Gillan is most famous nowadays for her portrayal of psycho-cyborg Nebula in the two Guardians of the Galaxy films, as well as both Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, receiving award nominations both by herself and as part of an ensemble.

Yet another Doctor Who actor to land a major role in the cash cow that is the MCU.

For those who didn’t recognise Gillan under all those prosthetics, there’s no mistaking her in her other major film franchise - the unexpectedly great Jumanji reboot. In the two Jumanji films, Gillan plays action hero Ruby Roundhouse, who is controlled by shy-girl Martha after she is sucked into a video game world.

Much like the rest of the cast, Gillan gets a chance to showcase her acting chops after her avatar is possessed by other players, too. Gillan is definitely channelling a bit of Amy Pond in these films, and they’re well worth a watch.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.