10 Doctor Who Moments More Disturbing Than You Remember

8. The Destruction Of The Silurians

Doctor Who Forest of the Dead Evangelista
BBC Studios

Nowadays, Doctor Who tends to talk about Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart with almost universal reverence.

His daughter Kate fondly recalls him inspiring her pursuit of a scientific career over a military one, and the Doctor has nothing but good things to say about his old friend. In Death in Heaven he even salutes him, one of the most un-Doctory things possible, demonstrating his deep respect for the Brig.

So it’s worth remembering that the Doctor’s relationship with his former boss wasn’t always so agreeable. In fact, their constant disagreements defined much of their early relationship, and nowhere is this more clear than in the final scene of Doctor Who and the Silurians.

After seven episodes of conflict between the Silurians and the humans, the Doctor is cautiously optimistic that both sides can work together. But before he and Liz head back to London, they’re interrupted by a distant explosion and watch in horror as the Brigadier destroys the Silurian base, killing everything inside.

As far as UNIT was aware this was the only Silurian base left, making the Brigadier's actions attempted genocide, as well as mass murder. The Doctor's stunned, disappointed expression says it all.

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Alix Cochrane hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would probably end up sitting in a notes file for months, gathering dust and never actually being uploaded.