10 Doctor Who Moments More Disturbing Than You Remember

7. The Teller's Brain Soup

Doctor Who Forest of the Dead Evangelista
BBC Studios

It’s easy to remember Time Heist as one of the lighter entries in Peter Capaldi’s first series, which is one of the most consistently dark since the show’s return.

But in among the fun heist plot and quirky criminal side characters, this Ocean's Eleven riff still finds room for a few grim moments that make it feel right at home alongside Deep Breath, Listen, and Dark Water.

The most disturbing of these is early on in the episode, when the Doctor and Clara’s crew are first infiltrating the Bank of Karabraxos. The scariest bank teller in the universe detects a man apparently planning to commit some sort of financial crime, and as punishment, melts the man’s brain in the middle of the lobby.

What follows is a decidedly non-light-hearted montage of the man screaming in various different types of intense pain while his mind is completely wiped and his head has collapsed in on itself like a punctured tyre.

Bonus grisly points for the Doctor’s line “Those aren’t tears, Clara – that’s soup," as we watch the man’s liquified brains leak out of his tear ducts.

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Alix Cochrane hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would probably end up sitting in a notes file for months, gathering dust and never actually being uploaded.