10 Doctor Who Moments More Disturbing Than You Remember

6. Chang Lee's Death

Doctor Who Forest of the Dead Evangelista
BBC Studios

The Master has always straddled the line between camp and terrifying, and Eric Roberts' TV Movie Master hits both of those extremes.

He's got the silly robes, the glasses, and the accent that perfectly play up the Master's over-the-top side, but he's also one of the most ruthless incarnations too.

While most versions of the Master like to do their killing cleanly, using futuristic weaponry like the Tissue Compression Eliminator, Roberts’ Master demonstrates a much more hands-on approach when he straight-up snaps Chang Lee’s neck.

Doctor Who has obviously never been hesitant to depict death, but there’s something so much more visceral about this one compared to the way characters are usually dispatched. Someone at the BBC clearly thought the same, as the shot of Chang’s death has been cut from the iPlayer version of the TV Movie.

What wasn’t cut was the Master throwing Grace over a balcony, or the very uncomfortable shots of him pulling out one of his own fingernails while talking to a nurse.

In general the TV Movie is way darker than you remember – and the Master is a big reason for that.

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Doctor Who
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Alix Cochrane hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would probably end up sitting in a notes file for months, gathering dust and never actually being uploaded.