10 Doctor Who Moments More Disturbing Than You Remember

3. Our World Is Not Real

Doctor Who Forest of the Dead Evangelista
BBC Studios

A lot of Doctor Who’s more disturbing moments tend to be quite visually shocking or gruesome. But Extremis is unsettling for much more existential reasons.

The episode revolves around an ancient text called the Veritas, which apparently causes everyone who reads it to kill themselves. Eventually, it’s revealed why – the entire world is a simulation, and everyone in it is merely a digital copy of their real selves.

While this is certainly a compelling idea, it’s the characters' reactions that really stand out, as Bill and Nardole end up at the CERN research facility and encounter a group of scientists in the process of committing mass suicide.

Watching this group of highly intelligent and rational people all completely devoid of any will to live and casually preparing to blow themselves up is truly unsettling, and drives home the implications of the concept of simulation theory.

Fingers crossed The Matrix is only a movie.

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Doctor Who
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Alix Cochrane hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would probably end up sitting in a notes file for months, gathering dust and never actually being uploaded.