10 Doctor Who Moments More Disturbing Than You Remember

2. Miss Evangelista's Fate

Doctor Who Forest of the Dead Evangelista
BBC Studios

We’re not about to try and claim that everybody’s forgotten how scary Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead are. It’s one of the best-loved stories of the new series, and the Vashta Nerada have remained iconic villains despite only appearing a single time on TV.

But there is one scene that falls through the cracks when the episodes are being discussed, and that’s the fate of hapless assistant Miss Evangelista.

The first character to be killed by the Vashta Nerada, her Data Ghost is caught and uploaded to the library’s network, though not without becoming corrupted. This leaves Evangelista horribly disfigured but with massively enhanced intelligence – in her own heartbreaking words, she is “brilliant and unloved.”

The reveal itself is shocking and tragic all at once, as is the case with most of the Donna storyline throughout this episode really. That moment where her kids disappear right in front of her – it's like a knife through the heart.

And to think there was a time when people doubted Catherine Tate's dramatic chops.

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Doctor Who
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Alix Cochrane hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would probably end up sitting in a notes file for months, gathering dust and never actually being uploaded.