10 Doctor Who Moments That Made You Say 'WTF Were They Thinking?!'

6. The Doctor Does Some Yoga

Doctor Who Nightmare in Silver Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor Clara
BBC Studios

This one's gonna be divisive, but hey, we're not here to play peacekeeper.

The middle chunk of the 60th anniversary specials catapulted the Doctor and Donna to the edge of creation, where they encountered two formless beings that stole their shapes.

Having no concept of how conventional lifeforms work, these beings take a while to adjust to having fleshy avatars, leading to some body horror that goes on to define the episode.

Sadly, not all of it works.

Certain moments, like when Tennant pops his head through his own legs like he's auditioning for Gallifrey's Got Talent, or when the pair of them grow so big they get wedged in a corridor, are both too amusing to be taken seriously and too rough around the edges to be convincing.

Doctor Who Wild Blue Yonder
BBC Studios

Ambitious, yes (can you imagine how this would've looked in the '80s?), but a clear case of the show's reach exceeding its grasp.

Also somewhat distracting considering the episode's reiteration that these two pose a grave and real threat to the universe!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.