10 Doctor Who Moments That Made You Say 'WTF Were They Thinking?!'

5. The Internet Joke

Doctor Who Nightmare in Silver Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor Clara
BBC Studios

You know what weren't funny 15 years ago? Jokes about people having to talk to each other in person.

You know what still isn't funny now?

2019's Resolution pits the Thirteenth Doctor against a lone Dalek, and it's a solid adventure overall. As we know, even a single one of Skaro's finest is a handful, and the twisted idea of a Dalek puppeteering a human is genuinely chilling.

At one point, the Dalek drains power from across the UK, shutting down all of the country's phone networks and Wi-Fi. Cut to some random family trying to get the internet restarted. After a few hopeless seconds, the mother remarks in horror that they'll have to "have a conversation."

Dear God!

It's a lazy observation that doesn't even ring true with most families, and what's more, it isn't very funny. These poor people can't even face the prospect of talking to each other without getting anxious. They need serious help.

It's indicative of a broader problem with Chibnall's writing wherein he has all the subtlety of a giant Titanic flying over London. Considering they had to get a bunch of actors and a set just for this one moment, it should've been left out.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.